Town Meeting Facilities Subcommittee


The Town Meeting Facilities subcommittee shall consider how to make Wayland’s town meeting venues more effective, convenient and comfortable for those who attend, whether we use the Field House, the Gymnasium at the Middle School or otherwise.  The subcommittee shall make every effort to persuade those with the funds needed to improve the facilities at town meeting to invest in better seating, lighting, audio and video equipment to help the voters understand the issues presented at town meeting and to follow the proceedings as they develop in order to improve the quality of our legislative process.  The subcommittee shall also find ways to arrange and finance the provision of babysitting services, food and beverages as well other amenities to encourage voters to attend town meetings by making those meetings more comfortable, pleasant and user friendly.

Board Members

Name Title
Matthew Shear Chair
Don Bustin Member
C. Peter R. Gossels Ex Officio
Louise Brown Member
Lana Carlsson Irwin Member
Alessandra Kingsford Member
Phil Langsdorf Member
Margaret Patton Member