What is a “wetland resource area”?

You will probably hear this term often, if you need to meet with the Conservation Commission. Technically a resource area is land (not the water) subject to protection under the Wetlands Protection Act or the Wayland’s Wetlands and Water Resource Protection Bylaw.

Inland wetland resource areas:

  • Land under water (which could be land under a stream, pond, etc.)
  • Banks Bordering vegetated wetland (see What is a Wetland, above)
  • Land subject to flooding: Bordering a stream, pond, or lake; Isolated from other water bodies
  • Riverfront area

The Act protects these wetland resource areas, but the Bylaw protects additional land. According to the Bylaw, the wetland itself plus land within 25 feet of it, comprise the “wetland resource area”. The Bylaw protects this entire area.