About the Committee


On November 22, 2010, the Board of Selectmen voted to establish a temporary advisory committee to be known as the Dudley Area Advisory Committee to assist the Board with studying the disposition of and make recommendations on the use of Town-owned land located on Doran Road, Pond Drive, Cross Street, and Curtis Road as described in Article 7 of the November 16, 2010 Special Town Meeting Warrant and shown on the plan entitled “Plan of Land in Wayland, Massachusetts Prepared for the Doran Road-Dudley Pond Comprehensive Feasibility Study” dated September 30, 2010, prepared by the Town of Wayland, Town Surveyors Office.


The committee shall be comprised of nine (9) voting members, eight (8) members to be designated by the following committees and organizations and appointed by the Board of Selectmen:

  • A member to be designated by the Dudley Pond Association;
  • A member to be designated by the Conservation Commission;
  • A member to be designated by the Surface Water Quality Committee;
  • A member to be designated by the Recreation Commission;
  • A member to be designated by the Wayland Neighbors for Responsible Land Use (WN4RLU) ;
  • A member to be designated by the Planning Board;
  • A member to be designated by the Housing Partnership; 
  • A member to be designated by the Housing Authority.

One (1) member to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen who shall serve as chair of the committee to be chosen from among interested residents having experience in at least one of the following disciplines:  civil or environmental engineering; landscape architecture; land planning; or project financing or management.  

On April 30, 2012, the Board of Selectmen voted to extend the duration and appointments of members to May 31, 2013.


The following tasks are delegated to the committee:

  1. Oversee expenditure of funds appropriated by Town Meeting for the purpose of studying the feasibility of disposition and use of the Town-owned parcels for open space preservation, passive recreation use, septic treatment for any new structures on the land or for adjacent properties, pond management, and construction of affordable housing.
  2. Review findings from feasibility studies to determine extent of the five potential disposition and uses of the Town-owned parcels.
  3. Make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen on the best use or combination of uses of the municipal land, and in what proportion, said recommendation to take into account impacts on Dudley Pond and the surrounding watershed, public access to the pond, public health considerations, and community preferences for disposition or use of the property.  
  4. Evaluate wastewater management alternatives that may include:
    1. a.  New Centralized Wastewater Treatment and Disposal near Dudley Pond or the project area.
    2. New Centralized Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Off Site which could include Wayland DPW garage, the Wayland Middle School site or other town-owned areas.
    3. Localized collection and satellite wastewater treatment and groundwater disposal facilities within the project area.
    4. Individual On-Site Treatment and Disposal with continued reliance on individual on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems.
    5. MWRA Connection and transmission main to convey wastewater to the nearest practical MWRA connection, likely in Natick.

In completing its evaluation and in making its recommendations, the advisory committee shall consider the use of properties in the general area and the resulting impacts on Dudley Pond and the municipal parcels, the capacity of the municipal land to address issues in the general area, and identify conditions and costs that influence the range of options considered, as well as the recommended plan.