Wayland Center Historic District Signs

Wayland Center Historic District Signs

Dedication in Memory of Shirley M. Secor

November 24, 2007 Mellen Law Office Green 

The dedication of the historic district signs was festive and joyful with all of Shirley’s family in attendance: her husband, Dick Secor, her three sons, Peter, John and David, each of Shirley’s three daughters-in-law, her seven grandchildren and one grand-hound dog.  Also in attendance were Historic District Commissioners who served with Shirley — John Seiler and Shirley Barnes, and a family friend, Priscilla Cotter who helped design the sign.  Gretchen Schuler represented the present WHDC.  A few words about Shirley’s dedication and over 30 years of service as an historic district commissioner were said on the Mellen Law Office Green.  Then all in attendance crossed Route 20 to photograph one of the five signs situated at the district edges.  Comments from George Lewis and Chris Hagger were read.  Both served on the WHDC with Shirley, knew her well, and respected her work and devotion to the District.

Shirley Secor was one of the most thoughtful and fair-minded of the Historic District Commissioners and played a key role in the notable Hagger application. For this reason I was enthusiastic to help plan and carry out the useful idea suggested by the Secor family. I am truly sorry not to be able to participate in this historic event.” — George Lewis

"Shirley Secor was truly one of the most dedicated members of the Commission and was inspiring for other commissioners for her dedication to the district.  She was incredibly hard working with the primary goal of protecting and preserving the Wayland Center Historic District for people who live in the district as well as those passing through.” — Chris Hagger