Historic Cemeteries

North cemetery Wayland

The Town of Wayland maintains three historic cemeteries:

  • North Cemetery (1643) 
  • South Cemetery (1835)
  • Lakeview Cemetery (c. 1821, and formally est. 1871). 

Cemeteries are so much more than simply places that hold remains and document the names and dates of those who have passed on. They are unique historic resources. Cemeteries are historic sites, sacred spaces, scenic landscapes, places of artistry, genealogical resources and archives written in stone. They are places worth preserving because they represent both our human-ness and our humanity.

Preserving deteriorating gravestones in our cemeteries helps to preserve historic artifacts that carry both artistic and factual information that is useful to historians and genealogists. Just as important, it pays respect to those who have contributed—some, significantly—to life in Wayland.

Gravestone Conservation and Preservation Management 

In 2003 the Town hired experts, using CPA funds, to conserve stones in the South Cemetery and the Old Section of the North Cemetery. In the summer of 2015, the Town of Wayland hired a Cultural Resource Consultant to prepare a Preservation Management Plan for the North Cemetery.  In 2017, again using CPA funds, the Town hired experts to conserve the grave markers of the Stoney Section of the North Cemetery and a handful of stones in the South Cemetery. Links to documentation of much of this work can be found below. 

In 2022, the Historical Commission received CPA funding to hire preservationists to assess the condition of gravestones in the Old and Stoney sections of North Cemetery; all of South Cemetery; and the oldest sections of Lakeview Cemetery. In 2023, the Commission will oversee the conservation work recommended in the assessment.  

For detailed descriptions of preservation plans and maintenance work in Wayland's cemeteries, click on the links below. 

Condition Assessment of North, South and Lakeview Cemeteries in Wayland, Mass., October 2022

Archaeological Monitoring of the Proposed Driveway and Stormwater Management System, North Cemetery, August 2018 

North Cemetery Condition Assessements and Conservation Recommendations, April 2017

Preservation Management Plan, North Cemetery, June 2015

North Cemetery Monument Treatment Proposal, December 2014

North Cemetery Gravestone Maintenance, 2003 - 2006:

South Cemetery Gravestone Maintenance, 2003 - 2006: