OPEB Advisory Committee

Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)


Evaluate and document a clear understanding of how the town’s fiduciary responsibilities are currently being carried out.  Evaluate and develop as necessary appropriate trust fund documents to protect the beneficiaries, review the current investment management and funding policies and make recommendations for improvement or revisions, review and recommend improvements to current reporting  or develop additional reporting to ensure appropriate benchmarks and performance indicators for investments and to provide regular fund financial reports.  Develop a plan for containing current and long-term costs for OPEB including retiree health care benefits and for coordinating with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on effective cost containment and other legislation.  Continue reading here...

Board Members

Name Title
Maryanne Peabody Personnel Board
Kent E. George Member-at-Large
Clifford W. Lewis Member-at-Large
Jay Sherry Member-at-Large
David J. Gutschenritter Finance Committee