Select Board/Town Manager Act

Select Board/Town Manager Act

Town Code Changes

With passage of the Special Act, the Town Code will be updated for two chapters: Board of Selectmen, Chapter 58 (being replaced); Town Administrator, Chapter 60 (being replaced). One section of Town Code will be updated at a future Town Meeting: Personnel, Chapter 43, section B (3) responsibility for negotiations, which will go to the Town Manager. In summary, the function will move to the Town Manager and the Personnel Code will be revised later. In addition, throughout the Town Code all references to "Board of Selectmen" will change to "Select Board"; all references to "Town Administrator" will change to "Town Manager".

To help citizens better understand these potential changes, please see the red-lined version of Board of Selectmen, Chapter 58 and the suggested red-lined version of Personnel, Chapter 43, section B (3). There is no red-lined version of Town Administrator, Chapter 60, as it will be replaced in its entirety by the Select Board/Town Manager Act. Chapter 60 has been rewritten extensively making a red-lined version unreadable. To better understand changes, please see the document provided by the Finance Committee in the 2020 ATM warrant appendix D.2: Section by Section Analysis.

Background Materials

  • Wayland Buzz: Spotlight on Restructuring Town Government
    • Program #81 June 17, 2018 (discussion starts at 16:17)

  • Program #137 March 11, 2020 

  • Community Forums August 6, 2019

PDF icon town_manager_final_act.pdf4.33 MB