Local Emergency Planning Committee

Members Contact: lepcmembers@wayland.ma.us

Staff Contact: Michael McCall

Volunteers interested in serving on the LEPC, please send an email explaining your interest and qualifications and a resume/CV to the Select Board c/o Jailyn Bratica at execasst@wayland.ma.us. All positions are appointed by the Select Board.


In 1986, Congress passed the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).  Under EPCRA, each governor is required to appoint a state emergency response commission (SERC).  In Massachusetts, the SERC is established under the direction of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA).  The Massachusetts SERC has created a certification process for all Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) in the Commonwealth.  Only LEPCs that are recognized by the State are considered official LEPCs. Wayland does not have a certified LEPC.


On July 12, 2021 the Board of Selectmen voted to reissue the charge for the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).  

The LEPC has four basic function under the law:

  • To develop a comprehensive Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan for the community and keep the plan up to date.  The plan is authorized and regulated under the EPCRA, Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 21E, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Contingency Plan, and Disaster Relief Programs. The plan is developed with stakeholder participation.
  • To receive information about storage and use of hazardous materials and about accidental hazardous material releases.
  • To collect, manage, and provide public access to information on hazardous chemicals in the community.
  • To educate the public about risks from accidental and routine releases of chemicals and work with facilities that store or use such chemicals to minimize associated risks.

At minimum, the LEPC must:

  • Identify facilities and transportation routes of hazardous substances.
  • Describe emergency response procedures, on and off site.
  • Designate a community coordinator and facility emergency coordinator(s) to implement the plan.
  • Outline emergency notification procedures.
  • Describe how to determine the probable affected area and population by releases.
  • Describe local emergency equipment and facilities and the persons responsible for them.
  • Outline evacuation plans.
  • Provide a training program for emergency responders (including schedules).
  • Provide methods and schedules for exercising emergency response plans.

The LEPC will be required to report annually to the Select Board.

The role of LEPC in the coming year will be to:  

  • Form partnerships with local industries and governmental entities as a resource for enhancing hazardous materials preparedness. Every facility subject to regulation is required to identify and provide the name of a facility “Emergency Coordinator,” report types/quantities of regulated chemicals on the site, providing MSDSs, and permit the Fire Department to inspect their facilities.
  • Ensure a local hazards analysis is accomplished and includes hazmat incidents as well as potential off site effects of facility releases including hazardous materials incident planning with local emergency plans.
  • Ensure that facility owners and operators understand that they are responsible for coordinating information between the LEPC and their organization, and providing feed-back.
  • Ensure hazardous materials response capability assessments are accomplished and shortfalls identified.
  • Enhance response capabilities through responder training, including hazmat response planning with realistic field exercises and table tops.
  • Develop mutual aid agreements with surrounding communities.
  • Serve as a focal point for outreach activities concerning citizen response to hazardous materials incidents, health and environmental planning, and environmental risks.
  • Develop a communications plan in the event of a hazardous materials release event.
  • Establish procedures for receiving and processing requests from the public for information in accordance with EPCRA requirements.
  • Investigate and join Regional Emergency Planning Committees that may exist with surrounding communities.
  • Obtain certification as a local LEPC, or identify steps required to obtain certification.


The LEPC will consist of 9 voting members and a number of non-voting members.  The make-up of the committee will be as follows:

Appointed by the Select Board (all voting members):

  1. Two members of the Select Board or designee.
  2. 3 community members (staggered three year terms).

Appointed by facilities that are subject to EPCRA (non-voting members):

  1. One coordinator for each facility.  Facilities to be identified by the Fire Chief.

Appointed by the Town Manager (all voting members unless noted otherwise):

  1. Information Coordinator (non-voting member).
  2. Fire Chief or designee.
  3. Police Chief or designee.
  4. Public Health Director or designee.
  5. Public Works Director or designee.

The Fire Chief will serve as chair of the LEPC, which is a public committee, subject to Open Meeting Law.

Please visit the Emergency Management webpage for more information.