Developers & Construction

Stormwater pollution often begins at construction sites, but it doesn't have to. Here are steps that developers can take to keep Massachusetts waterways clean. Allowing stormwater what developerswith sediment or pollutants to leave your construction site and enter into a storm drain or waterway is against federal, state, and some local laws. 
Ideally, the only thing that should leave your project’s site and enter a storm drain is rainwater –  clean, uncontaminated rainwater.  An effective stormwater management program is one in which ALL potential pollutants are recognized and a plan is designed to control or prevent them.  As a result, you will ensure the safety of the public and preserve the quality of local waters.
The most common source of pollution associated with construction activities is sedimentation caused by erosion.  Failure to maintain adequate Erosion and Sediment Controls (ESCs) at construction sites often results in sediment discharges into the storm drain system.  An erosion and sedimentation control plan should serve as a blueprint for the location, installation, and maintenance of practices to control all anticipated erosion, and prevent sediment from leaving the site. Tracts of land vary in suitability for development. Knowledge of the soil type, topography, natural landscape values, drainage patterns, flooding potential, and other pertinent data helps identify both beneficial features and potential problems of a site. Developers and builders can minimize erosion, sedimentation, and other construction problems by selecting areas appropriate for the intended use. The erosion and sedimentation control plan should be a part of the general construction contract. It should show location, design, and construction schedule for all erosion and sedimentation control practices. Also, developers and builders must abide by the local town bylaws. For more information Click Here.
Get Your Permit
Many kinds of construction sites are required by federal law to take steps to prevent stormwater pollution -- and permit requirements in Massachusetts are changing.  Check with the conservation commission for the town where your construction project is located before you disturb the soil.


Learn more about the stormwater permits from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. See also Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook & Stormwater Standards for more best practices to manage stormwater on your site.


In Wayland, stormwater is regulated at the federal level by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the state level by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and at the town level it falls under the jurisdiction of the Wayland Wetlands and Water Resources Bylaw, Chapter 194, which is regulated by the Conservation Commission, and Chapter 193, Stormwater and Land Disturbance bylaw


ms4 buildersLow Impact Development Practices
Low Impact Development (LID) practices protect and use the land’s natural features as a way to filter and slow the flow of stormwater. These practices manage stormwater at its source and protect natural areas, too. They can also save developers money by minimizing the need to add infrastructure like streets and gutters.  (Insert MS4-builders-LID)


You can learn more about LID practices in this Massachusetts Low Impact Development Toolkit.


Examples of LID practices include:


  • Permeable pavement, such as pavers and crushed stone, can be used in place of asphalt and concrete to pave surfaces. These materials allow rain and snow to soak into the ground instead of flowing into storm drains. They are often used for parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks. Click Here for more information.
  • Bioretention areas (also known as rain gardens) are shallow depressions in the landscape that collect water that runs off from hard surfaces. These areas are planted with grasses and flowering plants that help filter the water as it soaks into the ground. They are often placed in parking lot islands or street medians.
  • Vegetated filter strips are broad, gently sloping areas of grass or plants that trap, filter, and slow stormwater runoff. They are often located by roads, parking lots, and driveways. Click Here for more information.
  • Infiltration trenches and dry wells are standard stormwater management structures that can play an important role in Low Impact Development site design.  Dispersed around the site, these infiltration structures can recharge groundwater and help to maintain or restore the site’s natural hydrology. Click Here for more information.
construction planningPre-Construction Planning
A little planning ahead of time can go a long way to prevent stormwater pollution. Begin by choosing your site carefully. Place storage and maintenance areas far away from storm drains and waterways. Make sure that everyone working on-site knows their roles in carrying out your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, if you are required to have one. (Insert Construction Planning brochure)
Plan in advance to prevent pollution such as remove existing vegetation only as needed; schedule excavation, grading, and paving operations for dry weather periods; designate a specific area of the site, well away from storm drains or waterways, for material storage and equipment maintenance; educate your employees and subcontractors about stormwater management requirements and their pollution prevention responsibilities; have extra erosion controls (such as hay bales and silt fence/silt socks) on site in case of any emergency; and develop and implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment controls for the site


construction bmps
Erosion & Sediment Control
It’s important that you pick a combination of erosion and sediment controls that work for your site. This includes practices that protect natural landscape features, like streams and wetlands, and stabilize soil. You will also need to put practices in place to protect and maintain silt fences, storm drain inlets, and construction entrances.


Site Maintenance
A little good housekeeping can keep polluted runoff from ending up in nearby waterways. Sweep often, keep dumpsters covered, and remove trash daily. Store construction materials under a tarp or a plastic sheet to protect from rain and snow. Clean up small spills immediately using absorbent materials, like sand.


Best Management Practices and good housekeeping can significantly reduce pollutant discharges from your construction site.  Please follow the suggestions below to keep local waterways free from pollutants:
  • Protect all storm drain inlets and streams located near the site.
  • Limit access to and from the site and stabilize construction entrances and exits.
  • Sweep frequently.
  • Protect stockpiles by storing under a roof, impermeable tarp, or plastic sheeting.
  • Do not store or stockpile materials near a storm drain, wetland or stream.
  • Perform major maintenance and repairs of vehicles off site.
  • Wash out concrete mixers only in designated washout areas away from resources, and set up small mixers on tarps.
  • Remove trash, debris, and wastes on a regular basis and ensure that dumpsters are covered.
  • Clean up small spills immediately using dry cleanup methods, such as an absorbent.  Sweep as soon as possible.
  • Prevent erosion by implementing soil stabilization practices such as mulching, temporary or permanent seeding.
  • Maintain all haybales and silt fence to make sure no materials are getting beyond them; replace if necessary.