Planning Department & Board

  • Avalon Sudbury
    ONGOING PLANNING WORK: Multi-Family Zoning Districts Under Section 3A of the Zoning Act, please click for more information More »

For Planning Department, Affordable Housing, Economic Development, Planning Board, Signage, Transportation, and Zoning related questions, please email

To submit Planning Board comments, please email


We are dedicated to making our town a better place to live — a place where people want to raise a family and have their children raise their children.  The Planning Department & Board works to protect, and where possible, enhance our natural resources and preserve the quality of life for the citizens of Wayland.  We stand for a commitment to the long-term interests of our community and the following guiding values that make Wayland a special place to live:

  • Semi-Rural Character;
  • Public School Excellence;
  • Quality Public and Senior Services Excellence;
  • Protected Environmental Resources;
  • Strong Cultural and Recreational Resources.

FY25 Goals

Planning Department 

Planning Board 

Planning Department charge:

The main function of the Planning Department is to support the efforts of the Planning Board, Select Board, Economic Development Committee, Housing Partnership, Housing Trust, Design Review Advisory Board, and other town boards and commissions.

The Planning Department also drafts recommendations for zoning amendments and is available to provide general support to residents and developers through the permitting process. The Planning Department analyzes economic, demographic, and development trends occurring in Wayland and the region to assist the planning board, the town manager, and other town departments and committees with their long-range goals and objectives.

The Planning Department applies for available grants that assists the town in achieving their short and long term goals. 

Planning Board Charge:

The Planning Board is responsible for the review of land division as well as review of specific development proposals. The Planning Board’s duties are largely identified under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 81A, 81B, and subsequent sections. 


Functions of the Planning Board Members can be found here

Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Robert Hummel Town Planner 508-358-3778