What is the Loker Turf Project?

The Loker field project adds a new playing field to the Town's overall field inventory at the Loker Recreation Area.  


The proposed project aims to construct a 195’ x 330’ multi-purpose, synthetic turf, athletic playing field includingloker aerial sketch 2

  • playing surfaces
  • accessible spectator areas
  • sports lighting,
  • stormwater drainage,
  • 221 trees and shrubs for landscaping,
  • recreational amenities
  • access driveway,
  • 63 space parking area, and
  • enhancements to trailhead that provide access to existing conservation trails. 

Studies show Wayland needs 1-2 more turf fields or up to 7-10 grass fields to accommodate users. Today, Wayland school athletics utilize all the grass and turf fields on school sites afterschool. This leaves just a small number of fields for all other recreation users to share. Wayland Youth organizations alone provide over 1,200 youth enrollees with opportunities to participate soccer, lacrosse, baseball and flag football each season. Many of Wayland fields are in or near wetland areas, resulting in very wet conditions each spring. Wayland fields open weeks later than the communities with whom Wayland athletes compete. The field shortage in Wayland has been exacerbated by recently adjusted school dismissal times, where school atheltic teams use the fields until dark. 

The project would allow the Recreation Commission to take advantage of a parcel that has been vacant for over twenty years to help alleviate a documented field shortage. The land at Loker can only be used for Recreation and Conservation purposes according to the deed. The Recreation Commission reviewed the advantages of both a grass field and a synthetic multi-purpose field at Loker, and many other sites, to help alleviate the shortage.

The Recreation Commission concluded that, at this time, the construction of a synthetic multi-purpose field at Loker would best address the Town's needs. A synthetic turf field will provide the most hours of play and will allow the Town, annually, to rest and rehabilitate at least one grass field.  The existing grass fields are being overused and must be renovated, as recently was done at the Town Building Fields.

In 2000, the Town bought the land from Dow Chemical for $1.7 million dollars and has invested approximately $460,000 since the purchase to study the property, and design and permit this field project.

   Loker SchematicLoker aerial Loker Overlay