Who approves the plans?

Two Wayland Town boards have approval over the plans:  the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Conservation Commission. Additionally voters at Annual Town Meeting vote whether or not to authorize the funding.  


Passage of the warrant article to fund the project at Annual Town Meeting does not obviate the need for permits. 

A project like this typically falls under the jurisdiction of the Wayland Planning Board for Site Plan Approval, however because the project includes sports lighting, a special illumination permit brings the project under the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) who relies on Planning, Health, Police, Fire, Building and Conservation for input. The ZBA held public hearings on the initial application between December 2018 and March 2020, and are ongoing. A decision is expected on May 11, 2021 just ahead of when the voters of Wayland will decide on May 15-16 Annual Town Meeting.

The Conservation Commission requires two permits for this project, one for Wetlands and Water Resources Protection (Chapter 194) and one to protect Stormwater and Land Disturbance (Chapter 193) which expands upon the requirements of state and federal statutes and regulations relating to stormwater and illicit discharge.  Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Wayland Wetlands and Water Resources Bylaw are intended to protect the quality and quantity of surface and ground water, prevent flooding and flood damage, and protect wetland-dependent wildlife and their habitat. The project is required to comply with stormwater regulations.

The Conservation Commission held public hearings on this project between August 2, 2018 and April 25, 2019 and was unable to come to a majority decision.  A new application for the Loker project was submitted to the Conservation Commission in March 2020 and was approved in March 2021, with an Order of Conditions. 

The project budget is managed by the Wayland Permanent Municpal Building Committee, see the FAQ on costs to see the most recent status update.