FY13 Budget Reports

Wayland Finance Committee Budget Review Process:

The Wayland Finance Committee is a standing committee of Town Meeting.  Its purpose is to recommend a vote to Town Meeting on the Town budget and all articles that require an appropriation.  The Finance Committee reviews each department's budget in detail by reviewing requests as compared to current actuals, 3-5 year trends in past spending, the town’s cash position, expected service levels and the Town’s need to control both short term and long term spending.  In conjunction with the Town Administrator, the Board of Selectman, the Finance Director, the School Committee and other Town Boards and Committees, and with input from Town residents, the Finance Committee integrates revenue and expense projections to present a balanced budget to Town Meeting.

FY2013 Budget Reports:

These reports include expense history (including 4 years of actuals), current budget, current YTD expenditures (including remaining budget), and next year’s budget request.  These reports also calculate average annual percentage changes as compared to actuals and budget.  Each budget report outlines budget detail for the General Fund, the Water Fund, the Septage Fund and the Wastewater Fund.  Each report also subtotals short term expenses vs. long term (semi-fixed) operating expense commitments in order to evaluate the town’s ability to provide services while minimizing tax increases.