Lower Millbrook

Lower Millbrook Map


Comprised of 41.5 acres Lower Millbrook provides a walk through a red maple swamp from the North end of the property and Eastern white pine forest coming from the west access.  During the wetter months of the year there are various spots along the trail through the red maple swamps where the trail floods out.  The trail runs .75 miles from start to finish in one direction.

Parking and Trail Access:

  • There is one pull off parking spot .2 miles on the North Side of Claypit Hill Rd. coming from Concord Rd.  The trail for Lower Millbrook will be across the street.
  • There is another trail access across the road from Lingley Ln. This right of way is maintained by the Conservation Department and will eventually lead you to the Claypit Hill Rd. access.
  • Parking for this access is along Lingly Ln.


  • Owls can be surprisingly reliable on property with Great Horned being the most frequently encountered. Great Horned, Barred, Eastern Screech and Northern Saw-whet all nest locally.
  • Rusty Blackbirds are particularly common in the swamps throughout the property especially during migration (March through April and late September through early November) They have overwintered here in years when water stays open.
  • American Beaver are fairly active in the swamps, fisher are around from time to time though are seen almost completely during the winter months and there is a sizeable herd of White-tailed Deer regularly seen at the North end of the property.